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Case Management

Our case manager meets with persons who have dementia, their caregivers, family and friends. Most of the time people make an appointment with the Alzheimer’s Alliance when memory loss is suspected or when a new diagnosis has been received. They also make an appointment when they need help developing a plan for the care of their loved one, when they need information on resources available to them, or guidance is needed for a specific situation.  

Our case manager is available to meet with individuals by appointment. Scheduling an appointment is the preferred method to ensure enough time is provided to help appropriately.

During your appointment, the case manager will listen carefully to the concerns and issues presented and will help your family develop an individualized plan of action for navigating the dementia journey.

REACH Program

Respite Care 

 With generous private donations, as well as public funding from the Area Agency on Aging, the Alliance is able to provide respite care grants to families and caregivers in Smith County on a sliding scale based on income. Options include in-home care and overnight breaks to ease the financial and emotional burden on caregivers while ensuring their loved one is well cared for and safe.

For more information, contact the Alzheimer’s Alliance of Smith County at (903) 509-8323.


Counseling can be daunting for many people, but there are moments in life when having a resource to rely on for direction is crucial, especially in the face of dementia. More often than not, when a person seeks help for their loved one, they discover something within themselves that needs a bit of nurturing, as well.

Caring for a loved one with dementia is challenging, but it is doable and manageable. Whether you are caring for your loved one at home or in a facility, the unexpected changes often cause distress, uncertainty, and fear. We at the Alzheimer’s Alliance of Smith County want to help. We want to be that hope in your life, that resource that you come to rely on for guidance. We want to be a shoulder for you to lean on.

Therapy can make a huge difference in how you handle the pain and stress of helping your loved one with Alzheimer’s and/or other dementias. It can help you find a way to live a happy life in the midst of overwhelming emotions and feelings. We seek to provide support in the face of a diagnosis, an opportunity to talk through concerns and fears, and help you discover more of who you are in the midst of difficulty.

You qualify for counseling at the Alliance if you are directly affected by Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. Sessions are $40 per hour with scholarships available for those with financial need.

To make an appointment call the office (903) 509-8323.

Tips for Caregivers