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Memory Screenings

Memory screenings are a first step toward addressing concerns about memory loss. While a memory screening is not the only tool used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias, it can be helpful to identify any brain health concerns.

A memory screening evaluates your memory and other brain functions to determine your strengths and any deficiencies that may need to be addressed. Memory screenings can also be reassuring and serve as a benchmark for monitoring your brain health over time. Basic memory screenings in our office also include a consultation about resources on maintaining brain health throughout the lifespan, and our staff will partner with you throughout the process with more information, referrals, and planning next steps. These memory screenings are an assessment tool, not a diagnostic tool and are offered by calling our office for an appointment (903) 509-8323.

We also collaborate with the UT Tyler’s Psychology Department “Memory Assessment and Research Center” (UT Tyler MARC) to provide in-depth neuropsychological testing that can result in a diagnosis, if there is one. This testing is also offered free of charge. To find out more about testing at the MARC visit HERE.